Det-Tronics R8471J Single Channel Gas Controller, OPECL User Manual
Page 19
Section III
System Maintenance
Table 2 is intended to serve as an aid in locating the
cause of a system malfunction. (Table 2 lists the faults
in order of priority.)
The R8471J Controller is not designed to be repaired
in the field. If a problem should develop, first carefully
check for proper wiring, programming and calibration.
If it is determined that the problem is caused by a
defect in the controller’s electronics, the device must
be returned to the factory for repair.
When replacing a controller, be sure that
the jumper plugs and rocker switches of the
replacement are the same as the original.
Remove power before removing the device from
the mounting cage or plugging in the replacement
The gas detection system requires virtually no routine
maintenance, except for periodic checks to assure
proper system function and calibration. The frequency
of these checks is determined by the requirements of
the particular installation.
ManUal cHecK oF oUtPUt DevIceS
Fault detection circuitry continuously monitors for a
sensor problem, excessive negative zero drift, wiring
problems, and various other problems that could prevent
proper response to a dangerous level of gas. It does
not monitor external response equipment or the wiring
to these devices. It is important that these devices be
checked initially when the system is installed, as well as
periodically during the ongoing maintenance program.
cHecKoUt In norMal MoDe
The system must be checked periodically in the Normal
mode to ensure that those items not checked by the
controller diagnostic circuitry are functioning properly.
Be sure to secure all output devices that are
actuated by the system to prevent unwanted
activation of this equipment, and remember
to place these same output devices back into
service when the checkout is complete.
oPecl MaIntenance
Refer to the OPECL instruction manual (95-8556) for
information regarding maintenance for the OPECL.
Prior to returning devices or components, contact the
nearest local Detector Electronics office so that an RMI
(Return Material Identification) number can be assigned.
A written statement describing the malfunction must
accompany the returned device or component to assist
and expedite finding the root cause of the failure.
Pack the unit properly. Always use sufficient packing
material. Where applicable, use an antistatic bag as
protection from electrostatic discharge.
Inadequate packaging that ultimately causes
damage to the returned device during shipment
will result in a service charge to repair the damage
incurred during shipment.
Return all equipment transportation prepaid to the
factory in Minneapolis.
The OPECL Detector must be ordered separately from
the controller. When ordering please specify:
R8471J Combustible Gas Controller
Specify base or premium model.
MoUntInG racKS
A mounting rack is required for controller installation and
can house gas or flame controllers in any combination.
See Figures 1 and 2. Rack sizes are available to handle
up to 8 flame controllers or up to 16 gas controllers.
For assistance in ordering a system to meet the needs
of a specific application, please contact:
Detector Electronics Corporation
6901 West 110th Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55438 USA
Operator: (952) 941-5665 or (800) 765-FIRE
Customer Service: (952) 946-6491
Fax: (952) 829-8750
Web site:
E-mail: [email protected]