Det-Tronics R8471J Single Channel Gas Controller, OPECL User Manual
Page 12

SetPoInt aDJUStMent ProceDUre
1. Determine the required alarm setpoint levels.
2. Press and hold the Set button for one second, then
release. The digital display indicates the present
low alarm setpoint and the Low LED blinks. Press
the Reset button to increase the reading or the
Set button to decrease the reading. (Pushing and
holding the button will cause the reading to change
3. When no changes to the setpoint level have been
made for 5 seconds, the Low LED goes out, the
High LED blinks, and the digital display shows the
high alarm setpoint. Press the appropriate button
(detailed in step 2 above) to obtain the desired
reading on the digital display.
4. When no changes to the setpoint level have been
made for 5 seconds, the High LED goes out, the
Auxiliary LED blinks, and the digital display shows
the auxiliary alarm setpoint. Press the appropriate
button to obtain the desired reading on the digital
5. When no changes have been made for 5 seconds,
the Auxiliary LED goes out, the CAL LED blinks,
and the digital display indicates the calibration gas
concentration. This value should always be set at
50% when an OPECL detector is used with the
6. When no changes have been made for 5 seconds,
the controller automatically returns to the Normal
operating mode.
7. Record the new values for future reference.
The alarm setpoints, calibration gas concentration,
and calibration data are stored in non-volatile
memory and are retained in the event of a power
loss. However, if power is interrupted while
performing the Setpoint Adjustment or Calibration
procedure, the entire procedure must be repeated
when power is restored.
The OPECL IR gas detector is calibrated at the factory
for detection of methane gas.
Unusual gas types and applications may require
special calibration considerations. Refer to the
OPECL instruction manual (95-8556) for additional
calIBratIon overvIeW
Calibration of the R8471J/OPECL combustible gas
detection system is a two step process — zero calibrate
OPECL, then calibrate the controller.
OPECL unit must always be zero calibrated
oPecl calibration. OPECL calibration ensures a
calibrated linear 4 to 20 mA input to the controller.
OPECL calibration is totally independent of the R8471J
Controller calibration. The OPECL calibration procedure
can be performed by one person, with all adjustments
made at the OPECL.
During the time that the OPECL is in the calibrate
mode, the R8471J indicates the status of the
OPECL calibration on its digital display. The
controller cannot, however, put the OPECL unit
into the calibrate mode or control its calibration
in any way.
controller calibration. After the OPECL has been
zero calibrated, the operator sets the controller for
factory default calibration values. The procedure is
performed after the initial OPECL calibration and does
not need to be repeated with each subsequent OPECL
recalibration. This procedure can be performed by
one person.