Aa anchorspan™ installation safety guidelines – Anchor ANCHORSPAN AA 30FT-60FT User Manual

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Your own installation techniques will evolve to fit the varied needs of your clients, the experience level of your
installation crews, the nature of other tentage that may be common to the installation site being planned, and
the equipment that you may have previously available or with which you feel most comfortable. Whatever
techniques you adapt for your crews, we encourage you to keep safety utmost in mind.

Please read through this assembly manual completely before beginning your installation. Be sure the proper
equipment, crew and safety precautions are in place. We hope that you enjoy the design features of the
AnchorSpan™ each time the unit is installed.


It is recommended that workers wear safety shoes and hard-hats on site.


When moving beam sections by hand, use proper lifting techniques to protect the back, and

avoid pinching fingers while making hardware connections.


Never permit workers to stand or walk even briefly in the falling path of a beam as it is being

raised or lowered.


Be aware to avoid contact of beams with any overhead power lines near the site.


When anchoring the structure, avoid all underground power lines and gas lines or other utility



Keep site clear of debris to avoid tripping, especially while carrying components or bundles of fabric.


Do not drag bundles of fabric on concrete, asphalt, or ground as this can cause damage to the

fabric from abrasion through the bag.


If a worker climbs onto the fabric “roof” of the structure, a lifeline should be attached to the

beam system itself as a backup safety precaution against possible flaws or prior damage that

might have weakened the fabric.


To avoid damage to purlins,control them manually during installation. Do not let them swing against

the beam stop under their own momentum. When pivoting beams to vertical, or when lowering, use a

smooth motion and avoid jerks that could snap or bend purlins.


When using manual rigging to pivot beams to vertical, first clear the area

of items

that could

cause tripping or slipping as workers back up to pull the beam



When erecting beams, stabilize the first beam with diagonal beam braces. As 2nd beam is

raised, be sure to align the beam system vertically and stabilize with cross-cabling before

proceeding. (Note: if cabling is being installed in second bay instead of first, be sure to check

and correct vertical alignment frequently until the structure is stabilized by at least one bay of

cross-cabling. Beams that are leaning are dangerous and should be corrected before proceeding.


The installation method described here requires coordination of tasks between workers. A safe

installation is dependent on that coordination.