First beam standing with diagonal brace installed, Pivoting remaining beams to vertical – Anchor ANCHORSPAN AA 30FT-60FT User Manual
Page 16

Erecting the 2nd Beam. Erect the 2nd beam the same as above, except that the beam harness
hooks to the top hole in the fixed end of the apex purlin. And, instead of diagonal beam braces, the
2nd beam is stabilized by connecting its SpanLatch™ purlins to the first beam (See top of Pg 14).
Using the purlin hook, push the SpanLatch™ end of each purlin to the top of the beam a few feet
above each joint. Then hook backwards, pulling the latching end down the beam slope to engage
the latch. Before erecting remaining beams, proceed to the bottom of page 14 and install the dou-
ble-latch eave purlins in the first bay, align the first (2) beams perpendicular to the anchoring sur-
face, and connect the lower ends of all cross-cabling in the first bay. When the first bay is stabilized
with cabling (bottom, page 14), erect all remaining beams, repeating the cabling pattern in the last
and final bay (or a preferred alternate bay).
Safety Lines
Pull Ropes
Gin Pole
Diagonal Braces Installed
Diagonal Brace
First beam standing with diagonal brace installed
Safety Lines
Gin Pole
Pull Ropes
2nd Beam pivots similar to
1st, but secured by SpanLatch
Purlins, rather than diagonal
Beam Harness Hooks to beam
at Top Hole of Apex Purlin (fixed
Under beam to
- safety rope
To Gin Pole
(Bottom Eye)
Pivoting remaining beams to vertical