Middle wall installation, Wing wall installation, End wall installation – Anchor ANCHORSPAN AA 30FT-60FT User Manual
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Middle Wall Installation
( See “A” and “B” on preceding page.)
Standard vinyl middle walls are 2-piece with loop and grommet lacing down the center line of the wall.
Sunburst window walls are also 2-piece but the lace line is along the beam, not down the center line.
Midwalls are interchangeable on all AA AnchorSpans™ with 15’ beam spacing.
1. Face labels toward the interior and insert kedars of each mid wall section (bottom first) into the
flare of the inside (liner) beam channel located just below the eave bar (see step #2 “alternate”).
2. Slide hooks at the top of the wall into the channel centered on the bottom of the eave bar. Or, as
an alternate, slide 3 or 4 hooks into channel before inserting kedar (Step #1) to support the weight
of the wall.
3. Pull the two sections of the wall together and lace, using the interweaving loop and grommet
method. The top loop is a double loop. Pass the upper one up over the mid eave bar end
connector (to the outside). The lower one passes through the first grommet, then interweaves
through the upper loop. Continue, using the interweaving method shown. The last loop fastens to
brass snap at bottom of lace line.
4. Insert mid wall ground bar into pocket at bottom of wall and connect to the baseplate, by trapping
between hairpin cotters on bent arm pin.
Wing Wall Installation
The 1-piece wing wall is installed (labels to the inside) by first sliding the kedar edge down into the flare
of the outside channel of the end upright column nearest the beam. Next, insert hooks at top of wall
into the channel center in the bottom of the wing eave bar and slide the wall toward the beam. Lace
the remaining edge (near the beam) onto the tail of the gabled end fabric, using intertwining loop and
grommet lacing provided. The wing wall ground bar connects to the bent arm pin at the bottom of the
end upright and to the drilled rod on the baseplate adapter bar (at the beam baseplate). Use #10
hairpin cotters as retainers for the ground bar.
End Wall Installation
End walls are similar to the 2-pc. vinyl mid walls, but their 20 ft. standard width makes them inter-
changeable on all AA AnchorSpan™ end wall locations. Install them in the same manner, using the
outer channels of the end uprights to hold the kedar and sliding the wall hooks into the bottom (cen-
tered) channel of the end eave bars. Slide the two wall pieces together and lace with intertwining loop
and grommet lace. Ground bars are inserted into pockets at bottom of wall and captured between hair-
pin cotters on the bent arm pin.
Unlike the middle walls, end walls and wing walls use the smaller pattern cathedral window
design familiar to users of Anchor pole tents and frame tents. This allows the end wall to lace down the
centerline without disturbing the cathedral window pattern.