AirLive WN-200R User Manual
Page 80

AirLive WN-200R User’s Manual
• On the "General" tab, set Outgoing packet protocol to "RIP version 2 broadcast", and Incoming packet proto-
col to "RIP version 1 and 2".
Routing Screen
The routing table is accessed by the Routing link on the Administration menu.
Using this Screen
Generally, you will use either RIP (Routing Information Protocol) OR the Static Routing Table, as explained above,
although is it possible to use both methods simultaneously.
Static Routing Table
• If RIP is not used, an entry in the routing table is required for each LAN segment on your Network, other than the
segment to which this device is attached.
• The other Routers must also be configured. See Configuring Other Routers on your LAN later in this chapter for
further details and an example.
Figure 63: Routing Screen
Data - Routing Screen
RIP Direction
Select the desired RIP Direction.
RIP Version
Choose the RIP Version for the Server.
Static Routing
Static Routing
Table Entries
This list shows all entries in the Routing Table.
• This area shows details of the selected item in the list.
• Change any the properties as required, then click the
"Edit" button to save the changes to the selected entry.
Add a new entry to the Static Routing table, using the data
shown in the "Properties" area on screen. The entry selected
in the list is ignored, and has no effect.
Update the current Static Routing Table entry, using the data
shown in the table area on screen.