Intermediate management: conversion tracking – Google Grants Ongoing Management Guide User Manual
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Intermediate Management: Conversion Tracking
Googleʼs free Conversion Tracking tool allows advertisers to gain more insight
into which ads and keywords are generating the most conversions. This tool will
help you to track conversions, and ultimately help you identify how effective your
AdWords ads and keywords are.
What is a conversion?
A conversion is any user behavior on your website that you deem valuable, such
as a donation, newsletter signup, download, or lead. The AdWords system will
record a conversion only after a user clicks on your ad and takes the selected
action on your site. Users that take the selected actions but have found your site
through other means arenʼt counted as conversions.
What do you want users to do when they get to your site?
You should have specific goals for your Google Grants account. Letʼs say you
want users to sign up for a newsletter on your site. If you installed conversion
tracking you could see exactly how many times a search for a keyword in your
account led to a newsletter sign up because someone saw your ad and clicked
on it.
How it works
Letʼs use the example of a newsletter sign up. A Google user searches on using one of the keywords in your account. This user would see your
ad, click on it, and visit your website. The user would then sign up for your
newsletter. Upon submitting their email address to you, the user would be
brought to a confirmation page which lets them know their information has been
received. This confirmation page would have the Google Conversion Tracking
code on it. The code would record that a conversion has occurred and it would
note the keyword that brought the user to your site. This information would then
be provided to you in the Conversion Tracking reports in your account.
Technical Requirements
Please note that in order to install Conversion Tracking, you or your web
developer will need to access to the html code of your website. If you would like
more information on implementing Conversion Tracking, please do a Google
search for ʻAdWords Conversion Trackingʼ and choose the search result for
ʻConversion Tracking – AdWords Help.ʼ To begin the implementation process,
select Conversion Tracking under the ʻToolsʼ tab within your account.