Google Grants Ongoing Management Guide User Manual
Page 18

How to analyze the data
Sort ad variation(s) by CTR
Examine your ads that have a CTR that is above 1%. How do these ads differ
from your ads with CTRs that are lower than 1%?
We find that high-performing ads often have the following characteristics:
o The ads clearly highlight the goals and mission of a non-profit.
o The ads contain call-to-action phrases, like “donate now” or “find
volunteer opportunities here.”
o The ads include the keywords that trigger them (or are very closely
o The ads lead to a relevant URL on the non-profitʼs website. For example,
an ad that encourages newsletter signups would lead directly to the sign-
up page rather than the homepage of a site.
Edit your poor performing ads
Once youʼve distinguished what makes your high-performing ads different from
the ads with lower CTRs, we suggest you revise your low-performing ads. You
can edit your low-performing ads to be more similar to the ads with higher CTRs.
To edit your ads, select the “Campaigns” tab within your account and then select
the “Ads” tab. From here you can click on an ad you would like to edit and then
click on the pencil icon in the upper right hand corner of the ad to edit the ad.
For further guidance, try doing a Google search for “Optimization tips for
AdWords” and selecting the search result that brings you to the AdWords Help
Test new ads
Once youʼve identified high-performing ad traits, you might also consider testing
new ad variations. We suggest that you incorporate ad text best practices into
any new variations you create and that you continue to measure the
effectiveness of your ads by using Ad Performance reports regularly.