Output current and voltage settings, Priming the fuel line – JLG M4069 ANSI Service Manual User Manual
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– JLG Lift –
• Underspeed
Enabled once TDBP (time delay bypass) period has
elapsed after engine startup. If the engine speed drops
below the underspeed limit, the engine will stop imme-
diately and an engine underspeed alarm will be indi-
• Overcrank
If the engine fails to start after a set number of start
attempts, the RBS will cease attempts to restart and an
engine overcrank alarm will be indicated.
• No Speed Signal
In the event of a loss of speed signal, the RBS will shut-
down and an engine no speed signal alarm will be indi-
cated. This shutdown is delayed by a factory set period
to ensure the fault was not momentary.
• Overvoltage
If the voltage measured at the alternator output
exceeds the high voltage setting, the RBS will stop
immediately and an RBS high output alarm will be indi-
cated. This shutdown is delayed by a factory set period
to ensure the fault was not caused by a transient condi-
tion. This feature protects the batteries and load from
high DC voltages.
• Engine Starting System Fault
Indicates a problem with either the engine start battery,
engine magneto, or magneto voltage regulator.
• Loss Of Voltage Sense
If the voltage measured at the alternator output is less
than half of the system nominal voltage, the RBS will
stop immediately and an RBS loss of voltage sense
alarm will be indicated. This feature protects the batter-
ies and load from high DC voltages due to a loss of
output control.
• Run Inhibited
The RBS unit is disabled by the run inhibited input.
Output Current and Voltage Settings
• Normal/Extended Output Voltage
The normal/extended output voltage setting is the volt-
age at which the alternator changes under normal
operating conditions.
• Current Limit
The current limit setting determines the maximum alter-
nator output current.
• High Voltage Shutdown Level
This setting determines the alternator output voltage at
which the high voltage shutdown occurs. This protects
the load from abnormally high voltages.
• Finish Charging Current
The finish charging current determines the level of the
current alternator output must drop below for a low
battery voltage CTS to be removed. This ensures that
the batteries have accepted sufficient charge prior to
shutting down the RBS. This level is used along with
the low battery voltage remove CTS level to determine
when the RBS removes the CTS after a low battery
voltage CTS. If the charging current falls below the fin-
ish charging current while another CTS is active, the
RBS will continue to operate at the normal/extended
output voltage until all CTS’s are removed.
Priming the Fuel Line
The following procedure is for re-priming the fuel line on
the generator engine in the event fuel system components
have been replaced or the unit has been run dry of fuel..
1. Make sure the fuel line isn’t blocked or kinked.
2. Make sure fuel tank has fuel.
3. Disconnect the rubber fuel line at the fuel injector
4. When fuel starts to flow out of the rubber line, recon-
nect the fuel line to the fuel injector pump.
5. Clean up any spilled fuel and try to start the genera-
tor again.
6. If the engine still doesn’t start, remove the steel line
from the fuel injector pump.
7. Once fuel starts to flow, reconnect the fuel line to the
fuel injector pump.
8. Clean up any spilled fuel and try to start the genera-
tor again.
9. If no fuel flows there are some possibilities:
a. There is no fuel getting to the injector pump. No
fuel in tank, or obstruction in fuel line, or clogged
in line fuel filter.