3 aspirating liquid, 4 dispensing liquid, 3 aspirating liquid 3.4 dispensing liquid – Eppendorf Research plus User Manual

Page 11: 3 operation

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3 Operation


Eppendorf Research® plus — Operating manual

3.3 Aspirating liquid

3.4 Dispensing liquid

Pipette tips are for single use only.

1. The liquid to be aspirated must be taken from a suitable vessel. For

multi-channel pipettes, we recommend the reagent reservoir "Tip-Tub".

2. Press down the control button to the first stop (measuring stroke).
3. Immerse the pipette tip(s) vertically approx. 4 mm into the liquid.
4. To aspirate liquid, allow the control button to slide back slowly. Maintain the

immersion depth, so that no air is aspirated accidentally.

5. In the case of large volumes: before removing the pipette tip from the liquid,

wait for approx. 3 seconds. To ensure maximum precision and accuracy, we

recommend to wet each new tip initially by aspirating and dispensing the

liquid one to three times. Only then should pipetting commence.

6. Remove the tip(s) slowly from the liquid.
7. Wipe the tip(s) slowly against the tube wall to ensure that no outer wetting

remains on the tip.

1. Place the tip(s) on the tube wall at an angle.
2. Press the control button slowly until the first stop (measuring stroke) and

wait until the flow of liquid stops.

3. To empty the tip(s) completely, press down the control button until the

second stop (blow-out).

4. Hold down the control button and wipe the tip(s) against the tube inner wall.
5. Let the control button slide back slowly outside of the tube.
6. To eject the tips, press the ejector.



