Apple WebObjects 3.5 User Manual

Page 101

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Refining Your Model


8. Click Connect.

EOModeler automatically renames the relationship based on the name
of the destination entity. For example, after connecting a to-many
relationship from Movie to MovieRole, EOModeler names the
relationship “movieRoles.” To-one relationships are named with the
singular form of the destination entity’s name. For example,
EOModeler names the inverse to-one relationship (from MovieRole to
Movie) “movie.”

If the wizard created your relationship and used a name other than
“movieRoles,” consider renaming the relationship. The rest of this
tutorial assumes that your relationships are named using EOModeler’s
naming convention.

9. Repeat the steps above to create the following relationships:

A to-one relationship named “movie” in the MovieRole entity where:

• The destination entity is Movie.
• The source attribute is



• The destination attribute is



A to-one relationship named “talent” in the MovieRole entity where:

• The destination entity is Talent.
• The source attribute is



• The destination attribute is



A to-many relationship named “movieRoles” in the Talent entity

• The destination entity is MovieRole.
• The source attribute is



• The destination attribute is



10. Choose

in the toolbar pop-up list to switch the Model Editor to

Diagram View.

Use this pop-up list to switch to a different view.

Switches to Table View.

Switches to Diagram View.

Switches to Browser View.