Printers 269, Summary and shortcuts, Quick reference – Apple Macintosh PowerBook 180 computers User Manual

Page 269: Shift-click, Working with icons, Selecting icons

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Summary and Shortcuts


Double-click an object on screen by pointing to the
object and clicking twice in rapid succession, without
moving the mouse.

Double-clicking is a common shortcut for opening an icon or
the selected item in a directory dialog box.



Hold down the Shift key while clicking.

Shift-clicking is a way to select more than one icon or item
in a list.

Working with icons

Selecting icons

To do this

Take these steps

Select an icon

Click the icon.

Deselect an icon

Click anywhere except the selected icon.

Select multiple icons

While holding down the Shift key, click
each icon.

Deselect an icon in a

While holding down the Shift key, click

group of selected icons

the icon.

Select multiple icons

1. Place the pointer at one corner of the

that are near each other

group of icons.

2. Drag diagonally to select the icons, then

release the mouse or trackball button.

Select contiguous icons

1. Place the pointer to the left of the top icon

in a list

or the bottom icon.

2. Drag up or down the list, releasing the

mouse or trackball button when the pointer is
left of the last icon.

Select text in an icon’s

Click the icon’s name (not the icon itself).


Quick Reference


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