Lowside assignment – coolant fans, Lowside assignment – vvc – AEM Infinity Supported Applications - Dodge 2008-2010 Viper 4G User Manual

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Infinity Supported Application


© 2014 AEM Performance Electronics

2) Enter in “Upper” values of DBW_Bias [%] 1d Table. Enter values for DBW_FB_Multiplier.

Note: Caution must be taken when tuning Drive By Wire values.

LowSide Assignment – Coolant Fans

In the Wizard LowSide Assignment tab confirm the following settings:

LS2 Setup:


= 30 Hz

LS2_Duty X-Axis

= Engine Speed [RPM]

LS2_Duty Y-Axis

= CoolantFan1On

LS8 Setup:


= 30 Hz

LS8_Duty X-Axis

= Engine Speed [RPM]

LS8_Duty Y-Axis

= CoolantFan2On

LowSide Assignment – VVC

In the VVC Wizard tab confirm the following settings:

VVC2A Enable = Checked

Cam 0 Sync = 95

Under “VVC2 Options” confirm the following settings:

VVC2 Failsafe Min

= -55

VVC2 Failsafe Max

= 5

VVC2 Feedback Min

= -30

VVC2 Feedback Max

= 30

VVC2 Duty Min = 0
VVC2 Duty Max = 90

VVC2 Proportional Gain = 0.950
VVC2 Integral Gain

= 2.500

VVC2 Derivative Gain

= 0.050

In the Lowside Assignment Tables tab, configure LS5 as shown below:


= 250 Hz

LS5_Duty X-Axis

= Engine Speed [RPM]

LS5_Duty Y-Axis

= VVC2A_Duty [%]

Add a 2D table to the Infinity Tuner layout called “LS5_Duty [%] and configure it exactly as shown below.