Important application specific settings, Engine, Cam/crank – AEM Infinity Supported Applications - Dodge 2008-2010 Viper 4G User Manual
Page 6: Ignition sync, Injector setup, Idle, Dbw tuning, Infinity tuner wizard setup engine

© 2014 AEM Performance Electronics
Infinity Tuner Wizard Setup
In the Wizard Engine tab confirm the following settings:
Engine Displacement (L) = 8.40
Number of Cylinders
= 10
Engine Cycle Type
= 4 Stroke
Ignition Type
= Sequential (Coil On Plug)
Firing Order
= 1-10-9-4-3-6-5-8-7-2 Viper Odd Fire
Note: Throttle [%] was used for VE Table Load Axis Selection to create base session.
In the Wizard Cam/Crank tab confirm the following setting:
Dodge Viper V10 (2008–2010)
Ignition Sync
Add a text grid control to your layout and select the following channels. Make sure their values match
the settings below for initial timing sync.
TrigOffset [degBTDC]
= 4.50
= 100.00
See QuickStart Guide section Setup: Ignition Sync for instructions on timing sync.
Injector Setup
In the Wizard Injector Setup tab confirm the following setting:
Number of Injectors = 10
In the Wizard Idle tab confirm the following settings:
Idle Stepper Max Steps = 33
Idle Airflow Invert
= Unchecked
DBW Tuning
1) Run Drive By Wire Wizard Setup.