Multi-function link® (option) (for fax 580mc only), Multi-function link, Option) – Brother 580MC User Manual
Page 107: For fax 580mc only)

M U L T I - F U N C T I O N L I N K
( O P T I O N ) ( F O R F A X 5 8 0 M C O N L Y )
16 - 1
Multi-Function Link
(For FAX 580MC Only)
If you have a FAX 580MC, you can purchase the optional Multi-function Link
package (also called “Missing Link”). Multi-Function Link turns your fax machine
into a multifunction center, by enabling you to use your fax machine as a printer and
a scanner and to use it to fax messages from Windows applications in your computer.
Multi-function Link
is available at most Brother retailers. If you cannot find it, you
can order Multi-function Link
directly from Brother. The item number is PCI-1.
Installation instructions will be included with PCI-1. However, it is important that you
hook up your fax machine to your computer before you install the software.