Serial console operation during setup – Ampro Corporation LITTLE BOARD 5001451A User Manual

Page 72

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!!! WARNING !!!

Disk Boot sector is to be modified

type "Y" to accept, any key to abort

Award Software, Inc.


BOOT SEQUENCE – is, [A,C], [C,A], [A,SCSI], [SCSI,A], [CD,A,C], [C only], or [SCSI only].


"C" refers to IDE/ATA drive and "CD" refers to a IDE/ATA CD-ROM


SWAP FLOPPY DRIVE – This allows swapping A and B drives.


PS/2 MOUSE FUNCTION – The interface uses IRQ12. Disabling the interface will allow other
uses for IRQ12. The PS2 mouse must be disabled before usingIRQ12 for other functions.


PCI/VGA PALETTE SNOOP – With this enabled graphic screens may be distorted when booting
Windows 95.


OS SELECT FOR DRAM > 64MB – This is used to limit the reporting of memory above 64MB.
Some operating systems will fail when more than 64MB of memory is reported. Some versions
of OS/2 are known to have this problem.


VIDEO BIOS SHADOW – PCI devices with onboard ROM always run from shadow ram
regardless of settings. The onboard video always runs in shadow ram.


SERIAL CONSOLE – This selection is limited to Serial Port 1 or 2.


WATCHDOG TIME – This is located in the second SuperI/O chip. Read the Game port to tickle.

Serial Console Operation during SETUP.

When SETUP is being run using the serial console interface, the "ARROW" keys and "F" keys must
be simulated.


Arrow Keys – Arrow keys may be entered as displayed on the screen. The "^", "v", "<", and ">"
keys will move the cursor in the represented direction. The WordStar diamond keys are also
implemented identical to the MS-DOS editor.


These keys only respond in this manner during SETUP and not
during normal operation.

Table 2-47. Key Simulations

^, Ctrl-e

Up arrow

>, Ctrl-d

Right arrow

v, Ctrl-x

Down arrow

<, Ctrl-s

Left arrow


Page up


Page down

Note: These keys simulate the arrow keys only during Setup, but not during normal computer
