Introduction, Technical support, Preface – Ampro Corporation LITTLE BOARD 5001451A User Manual
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This manual is for integrators and programmers of systems based on the Ampro Little Board
a full-featured CPU module conforming to the EBX 1.1 technical specification. It contains technical
information about hardware requirements, interconnection, and software configuration.
Technical Support
Ampro Computers, Inc. provides a number of methods for contacting Technical Support listed in the
following Table i. Ampro provides a comprehensive listing of Frequently Asked Questions on our
web site at the Virtual Technician. If you can not find the answers to your questions, please
continue in the Virtual Technician and ask for Personal Assistance. Requests for support through
the web site are given the highest priority, and usually will be addressed within one working day.
Internet – Provides the most information concerning Ampro products, including reference
material and white papers.
Ampro Virtual Technician – This service is free and available 24 hours a day through the Ampro
Computers World Wide Web site at
. However, you must sign in to access
this service.
The Ampro Virtual Technician is a searchable database of Frequently Asked Questions,
which will help you with the common questions asked by most customers. This is good
source of information to look at first for your technical solutions. .
Embedded Design Resource Center – This service is also free and available 24 hours-a-day at the
Ampro web site at
. However, you must sign in to access this service .
The Embedded Design Resource Center was created as a resource for embedded system
developers to share Ampro's knowledge, insight, and expertise gained from years of
experience. This page contains links to White Papers, Specifications, and additional
technical information.
Personal Assistance – This is the quickest way to obtain a response to your support questions.
Please go to the following location on Ampro’s web site to submit your request 24 hours a day, 7
days a week.
Table i. USA Technical Support Contact Information
Surface Mail
Ampro Computers, Incorporated
5215 Hellyer Avenue
San Jose, CA
95138-1007, USA