Next Advance SP1070-M User Manual
Page 42

SP1000 series operator’s manual
Manual SP1000 series
Two packet protocols are supported, Basic and Safe. The enabled communications protocol is stored in
non-volatile memory, and therefore will be in affect at power up. Safe Mode provides a safer
communications protocol than Basic Mode. Safe Mode detects corrupted data and loss of communication,
as well as automatically transmitting status packets when an alarm occurs.
Considering that the 19200 baud rate communicates at 52
s per bit, a small glitch on the RS-232 cable,
flipping a single bit, can convert a transmitted infusion rate of 100 ml/hr into 900 ml/hr, the need for the
Safe Mode in a production environment is evident. However, Basic Mode is excellent for simplifying early
development of a control program.
While in the Basic Mode, the pump will accept either communications protocol, Basic or Safe, although the
response packet will be in the current communications mode. This allows a computer’s communication’s
driver to be designed with just one mode. A Safe Mode communications driver can send a ‘SAF’
command to the pump in the Safe Mode protocol while the pump is in Basic Mode. The response to the
‘SAF’ command, enabling Safe Mode, will then be in the Safe Mode protocol.
10.2.1 RS-232 General Syntax Legend
The following syntax expansion legend is common to all syntax expansions:
Except where indicated, all command and response characters are ASCII data.
Floating point number. Maximum of 4 digits plus 1
decimal point. Maximum of 3 digits to the right of
the decimal point.
l (microliters)
ml (milliliters)
TTL high level
TTL low level
On, enabled
Off, disabled
Program Phase number. Valid values: 1 to 41
Valid values: 1 to 99
Valid values: 0 to 99
Floating point digits
( )
One byte of data expressed as (0xhh), where ‘hh’ is
the data in hexadecimal.
Is defined by. Syntax expands to next level of
< >
Non-terminal syntax expansion
[ ]
Optional syntax
{ }
Required syntax
Or. Choose one of the syntax options.
None. Syntax expands to nothing (lambda
" "
Description of syntax expansion