Additional inputs / outputs, Other settings – RMS Technologies 4-AXIS CONTROLLER/DRIVER User Manual
Page 28

S I X P A C K / Q U A D P A C K
Trinamic Motion Control GmbH & Co KG
Sternstraße 67
D – 20357 Hamburg, Germany
Phone +49-40-51 48 06 - 0
FAX: +49-40-51 48 06 - 60
8.5 Additional Inputs / Outputs
Read Motor Input Channels and additional Inputs
The analogue channels are prepared for ratiometric measurements of resistive dividers. Channel 6 is
the external input, channel 7 measures the voltage supply of the PACK (1V equals value 22). The
reference inputs are inverted.
channel no (0=channel0 ... 7=channel7).
P1 response
CMD $30
channel no (0...7).
P1,2 #
analogue value (unsigned 0..1023)
reference input (Bit 0)
all reference inputs / jumpers (bit 0 = motor 0, ..., bit 6=jumper1, bit 7 = jumper2)
(s. setting the baud rate)
bit 0: logic state at TTLIO1
Setting the Limits for the Stop Function left/right
A potentiometer or a resistor network connected to two stop switches at the analogue input of each
motor can trigger a hard or soft stop. The voltage of the analogue input should increase in right
direction (cw). The measured value is checked dependent on the motor direction. When a stop-
condition occurs the motor is stopped immediately. If StopSoft-Flag is set, the motor is in decelerated
with the pre-set acceleration. If the StopSoft Flag isn’t set the motor will be stopped abruptly, so that
the precise motor position may be lost. Therefore a reference search will be started additionally if the
StopNoRef-Flag is not set. When the StopNull-Flag is set, the zero switch also functions as a limit
switch. If the reference switch is defined on the right side, the motor then can only drive in the area of
negative co-ordinates
(position <= 0)
(s. CMD $15)
channel no (0...7):
P1,2 #
analogue value minimum for stop left (0=no function)
P3,4 #
analogue value maximum for stop right (
≥1023=no function)
Setting of additional Outputs
bit 0: set logic level at TTLOUT1 (1=READY, 0= active)
bit 0: output enable for TTLIO1 (1=input, 0=output)
bit 0: set logic level at TTLIO1
bit 0: 1=TTLOUT1 works as ready output (1=READY, 0= active)