Motor parameters – RMS Technologies 4-AXIS CONTROLLER/DRIVER User Manual
Page 23

S I X P A C K / Q U A D P A C K
Motor Parameters
Note on the reference search algorithm: Usually the reference switch is logically left, i.e. search
orientation is in the direction of descending co-ordinates. However if it is defined as logically right
(NullLeft not set) then the driving range is in the area of negative numbers because zero is the
largest number on the position scale.
Note: To exchange left and right physically, only one phase of the motor has to be polarized
reversely. The setting NullCenter is extremely useful for rotary axes: Here the center of the zero
switch is located, i.e. the center between the left and right start of the switch operating point.
For further information read chapter 7.1: Hints for Programming!
motnr (0...5)
P1,2,3,4 #
Poslimit (0..0x7FFFFFFF): number of
µ-steps (note: full-steps *16) per revolution for
rotary axes (is used with rotation or way optimization and reference search only),
resp. total way for linear axis (with reference search and mechanical reference,
then 5/4 of the distance will be driven in direction of the mechanical stop)
P5 #
motor type:
• Bit 0: PIMode: 0=trapezoidal ramp, 1=PI-controller
• Bit 1: Rotary Axis: 0=linear, 1=rotary axis
• Bit 2: AutonullCmd: flag to start automatic reference search (s. CMD $22)
• Bit 3: TestNull: set Stop -bit(s. CMD $20 P6),
(triggering an reference search) if StopNoRef(P6, Bit 6)=0)
if motor stops at zero point but switch remains inactive after settle time.
(Note: Check only when motor is ready!)
• Bit 4: NullLeft: 1=zero point left of driving range, otherwise right
• Bit 5: NullCenter: set zero point to the center of the switch’s active area
• Bit 6: StopNull: stops the motor and sets Stop- bit,
(triggering an automatic reference search, if StopNoRef(P6, Bit 6)=0)
if zero switch is active outside the tolerance area around zero point
or analogue value exceeds its applying limit (s.b. modifier-bits 12 & 13)
• Bit 7: FilterSwitch: 1=Zero point switch is de-bounced for 2-30ms
(s.b.: mask for switch de-bouncing)
P6 #
• Bit 0: Way optimization for rotary axis by automatic selection of turning direction
• Bit 1: FastRef: search for reference with high velocity (s.b.: vrefmax)
• Bit 2: MechRef: use mechanical reference
(drives 5/4 * poslimit towards zero point) rather than a reference switch
• Bit 3: DelayTestNull:
delay zero point check by T0-time (s. option TestNull)
in order to avoid failures caused by vibration. Initialization T0 s. CMD $11
• Bit 4: StopSoft:
1=motor decelerates with amax when stop condition
(switch or analogue values) is detected rather than stopping abruptly
(s. description of stop-function via analogue-input s. CMD $31)
• Bit 5: StopNoRef:
1=no setting of Autonullcmd (avoiding automatic reference search)
on stop conditions, the Motor just stops instead.
• Bit 6: NullPositive:
1=zero point switch is high active, i.e. high level at null-point
0=switch is low active
• Bit 7: StopAtFullsteps: Stop ramps only at the nearest fullstep position