RMS Technologies 4-AXIS CONTROLLER/DRIVER User Manual

Page 26

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S I X P A C K / Q U A D P A C K

Trinamic Motion Control GmbH & Co KG

Sternstraße 67

D – 20357 Hamburg, Germany

Phone +49-40-51 48 06 - 0

FAX: +49-40-51 48 06 - 60

Start trapezoidal Ramp

The motor drives from its current position to the target position. The command does not influence the
motor, if the motor is still active. To change the target position at any time (on-the-fly) use command
$26, and follow it by command $23 with the same target position, to ensure that the motor also starts
if it stood still before. The motor will use the optimum way to the target, while considering the motion
parameters as well as the current velocity.
If rotation has been active, the motor is only stopped by this command. The distance of any ramp
must be within 32 bit signed range too– which is no restriction as long as you consider 0 as one limit
of your driving range.
note: For circular motors the position cant be both positive and negative.
( null-left-motors (s. CMD $15):

0 <= position < poslimit)

( non null-left-motors :

0 >= position > -poslimit)




motnr (0...5)

P1,2,3,4 #

target position (32 bit signed long)

Activate PI-Controller on Target Position (on-the-fly target position change)

The motor position will be controlled by the PI-Controller so that the target position is reached.
Switching to PI-controller happens immediately, even if the motor is inactive. When the PI-controller
was already active the target position will be reprogrammed immediately. The maximum distance
must be less than 32 bit signed range too – which is no restriction as long as you consider 0 as one
limit of your driving range (which however is not mandatory).




motnr (0...5)

P1,2,3,4 #

Target position (32 bit signed long)

Start Rotation / change Rotation Velocity

With this command it is possible to rotate an axis with the given velocity. The maximum acceleration
is obeyed when the velocity is to be changed. The change to rotation happens immediately, even if
the motor is still active. A check of the reference switch can not take place with too fast rotation.
Cyclic motors will wrap around at the end of their position ranges when rotating. (s. CMDs $15, $16)




motnr (0...5)

P1,2 #

Rotation velocity (-511..511)

Set Target Position (on-the-fly target position change)

Modifies the target position without influencing the operation mode. Can be used to shorten or
lengthen a ramp. If a ramp has to overshoot due to late changing its target position the peak will de-
celerate with amax instantly and continue driving a reverse ramp on its own.




motnr (0...5)

P1,2,3,4 #

target position (32 Bit signed long)

Set actual Position

Forces the internal position counter to any position. Can lead to unintended reference searches at
detection of zero switches.




motnr (0...5)

P1,2,3,4 #

posact: new actual position (32 bit signed long)