RMS Technologies 4-AXIS CONTROLLER/DRIVER User Manual

Page 27

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S I X P A C K / Q U A D P A C K


Query all Motor Activities, Request delayed Response

Each axis can be queried for activity with this command. When delayed response is requested, the
PACK will send the response as soon as all concerned motors are inactive. The response contains
the actual action of all motors.
Attention! In RS 485 mode with multiple slaves this command can lead to bus collisions! To avoid
this, the bus should not be used for other transactions while waiting for response.



P0 response



mask for delayed response (Bit 0=Motor 0, Bit 5=Motor 5)
(0: motor masked, 1: respond only after motor has become inactive)



P0..P5 # current action (0..5) (0: inactive,

5: ramp,
10: PI-controller,
15: rotation,
20 - 29: reference search,
30: mechanical calibration)

Start trapezoidal Ramp in parallel

This command allows a coordinated start movement, by starting multiple motors at the same time.
The target position has to be programmed previously (s. CMD $26).




mask for ramp (bit 0=motor 0, bit 5=motor 5) (0: motor masked, 1: start motor)

Stop Motors selectively or synchronously

Multiple motors can be stopped at the same time via this command. It sets the target position of each
motor concerned equal to its actual position.


owever motors driving beyond vstart will overshoot

and return driving another ramp back to the point you set as their new target using this command.




Mask for deceleration (Bit 0=Motor 0, Bit 5=Motor 5)
(0: Motor masked, 1: set target position to actual position)