RMS Technologies 4-AXIS CONTROLLER/DRIVER User Manual
Page 14

S I X P A C K / Q U A D P A C K
Trinamic Motion Control GmbH & Co KG
Sternstraße 67
D – 20357 Hamburg, Germany
Phone +49-40-51 48 06 - 0
FAX: +49-40-51 48 06 - 60
simulated by the user. The response address for bytes received via RS 232 and the packet size for
transferring received bytes are configured by a separate instruction.
To forward bytes received via CAN to RS 232, the CAN-address of the PACK is incremented by 1, i.e.
the lower 3 bits are “001“. Every byte which is received with this address will be transferred to the
RS 232-interface. 1 to 8 bytes can be transferred at once. Please note that the RS 232-interface needs
sufficient time before the next block is transmitted. To be sure that the RS 232-cache is empty, it can be
checked via command. There is no CTS-handshake, however the CTS-line can be read-out
(s. CMD $44).
Bytes received via RS 232 will be sent to the pre-set response address, as soon as the pre-set number
of bytes has been received. Incorrect messages will be ignored now. If the configurable RS 232-timeout
has expired, remaining bytes will be sent (
→ see CMD $41).