5 add plugins for sound processing, 5 add plugins for sound processing -15, Digico waves operation – DiGiCo Waves MultiRack SoundGrid User Manual

Page 15

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DiGiCo Waves Operation


2.1.5 Add Plugins for sound processing ....................................

Once you’ve inserted, it’s time to add plug-ins to each Rack. A Rack can hold up to eight plug-in processors, and the signal will always
flow from left-to-right.

Touch the “plus” (+) sign near the Input Fader to add a plug-in from the pull-down list. Plug-ins are organized by type of processor. Add
another plug-in by touching on the “plus” button to the right of the first plug-in, and so forth. You can always rearrange the plug-in order
touching a processor and dragging it to the desired position.

As with the SD Internal FX, the control of the plugin parameters is handled using the Master screen Touch n Turn controller.
Parameters that are continuously adjustable are mapped to the touch n turns rotary control
Stepped parameters can be controlled using the touch n touch button, or rotary controller.

To view a plug-in and adjust its parameters, double touch (1


touch to select, 2


touch to open) on the box representing it. The plug-in’s

interface will appear below the Rack.