Adaptec SBC-599 User Manual
Page 71

Chapter 5 PCI SVGA Setup (SBC-599 only) 61
Selecting Monitor Type
Monitor type is initially set to DEFAULT. This DEFAULT setting
may not allow you to select all resolution/refresh combinations
that are available for your monitor. The following steps can be
done to select monitor type. This section applies only after
installation, or when a different monitor is used.
1. Open the OS/2 System folder.
2. Open the System Setup folder.
3. Open the System object.
4. When the System - Settings notebook appears, select the
Screen tab. This will take you to page 2 of the settings.
5. On Screen page 2, select your monitor type from the Display
Name list. If your monitor is not listed, select DEFAULT.
Return to Screen page 1.
It may be necessary to restart your system to have all refresh rate
options available.
Selecting Screen Resolution/Refresh Rate
To switch to a different video resolution, color depth or refresh
follow the steps below.
1. Open the OS/2 System folder.
2. Open the System Setup folder.
3. Open the System object.
4. From the selection windows provided, select a new Screen
Resolution and Screen refresh rate.
Please note, Refresh rates, other than 60Hz, are only valid when
the display is switched to CRT only display mode.
5. Close the System-Settings notebook.
6. Perform a shutdown and restart for the changes to take effect.