Allied Telesis AT-GS950/48 User Manual
Page 208

Chapter 17: SNMPv3
This name is an optional field. It can be up to 31 characters in length.
5. Enter the Write View Name.
This name is an optional field. It can be up to 31 characters in length.
6. Enter the Notify View Name.
This name is an optional field. It can be up to 31 characters in length.
7. From the Security Model pull-down menu, select v3.
8. Enter the Security Level from the pull-down menu. The selection
options are:
NoAuthNoPriv: This selection is the appropriate selection
when no Auth-Protocol or Priv-Protocol (no encryption) are
selected on the SNMP User/Group page.
AuthNoPriv: Choose this selection when encryption has been
enabled but only the Auth-Protocol has a password assigned and
the Priv-Protocol has been selected as none on the SNMP User/
Group page.
AuthPriv: When both the Auth-Protocol or Priv-Protocol have
been enabled, choose this selection.
9. Click the Add button.
See Figure 73 for an example.
Figure 73. SNMP Group Access Table Example for SNMPv3
10. From the main menu on the left side of the page, select Save
Configuration to Flash to permanently save your changes.