Upload configuration from micr – subset, fullset, Download configuration to micr – subset, fullset, Switches (swa, swb, swc) – subset, fullset – MagTek MICRbase User Manual

Page 39: Switch hw – fullset, Format – subset, fullset, Flexible format size – fullset, Figure 6-3. clear and reset to default

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Section 6. Options For Wedge Interface

Figure 6-3. Clear and Reset to Default

Upload Configuration From MICR – Subset, Fullset

This button retrieves the current configuration from the MICR Reader to the dialog box. This
function may be used to verify or modify the current configuration of a MICR Reader.

Download Configuration To MICR – Subset, Fullset

This button downloads the portion of the settings in the Download Option selected.

Switches (SWA, SWB, SWC) –
Subset, Fullset

These boxes are for status only. As each option in the dialog box is checked or changed, the
switch setting in the appropriate box will change.

Switch HW – Fullset

This box is for status only. As each option in the dialog box is checked or changed, the switch
setting will change.

Format – Subset, Fullset

For check reading, MagTek MICRs provide the flexibility to format MICR fields and build a
specific output string that will be transmitted to the Host. These output strings are referred to as
formats. Each MICR has a built-in list of formats from which the user may select one to become
the active format every time a check is read. Each Format is assigned a 4-digit number. These
built-in formats are listed in each MICR Technical Reference Manual under Format List. To
select a format, use the delete key to clear the Format box, and type in the Format Number from
the Format List in the Manuals. If the required format does not exist, the user can design a
custom format with the Flexible Format feature. For a complete description of this feature, see
Section 7, Flexible Format.

Flexible Format Size – Fullset

Displays the size in bytes of the current Flexible Format. For a complete description of this
feature, see Design Flexible Format in Section 7.