Data bits, stop bits, parity – all rs232 models, Intercharacter delay – all rs232 models, Cts/dsr use – all rs232 models – MagTek MICRbase User Manual

Page 27: Rts – all rs232 models, Invalid command response – all rs232 models, Comm mode – all rs232 models

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Section 5. Options For RS-232 Interface

Data Bits, Stop Bits, Parity – All RS232 Models

This drop-down menu permits the selection or change of the possible combinations of these three
selections for the MICR Reader.

Intercharacter Delay – All RS232 Models

This box is used to increase the time between characters transmitted from the MICR Reader.
The time is increased to 13 milliseconds. This parameter affects character rate but not baud rate;
that is, each character takes the same time to transmit but the time between characters is

CTS/DSR Use – All RS232 Models

When this box is unchecked, the MICR Reader sends data to the Host without waiting for the
CTS (Clear to Send) and DSR (Data Set Ready) signals to be active. When this box is checked,
the MICR Reader waits for the CTS and DSR signals to be active before sending data.

RTS – All RS232 Models

When this box is checked, the MICR Reader will raise RTS (Request to Send) and wait 5
seconds for CTS to become active before sending any data. If the 5 seconds expire and CTS is
not active, the data message will be discarded and nothing will be sent. If the box is not checked,
RTS is inactive.

Invalid Command Response – All RS232 Models

The selections in this menu control the action the MICR Reader takes upon receipt of a
command it does not recognize. It can also be used to stop the MICR Reader from receiving any
more commands.

The first option, ?/No Header,

is the default. If the MICR Reader receives an

unrecognized command, it will return a question mark and carriage return to the Host. The
MICR Reader will then return to an idle state and wait for further commands or check/credit card

For the second option, No Reply/Header Reqd, the MICR Reader will only execute commands
preceded by a GS ASCII character (hex 1D). All other commands will be ignored. Also, the
MICR Reader will not reply to invalid commands.

For the third option, No Reply/No Header, the MICR Reader will execute all valid commands,
but it will not reply to invalid commands.

Comm Mode – All RS232 Models

The selection of a Communication Mode is a quick way of selecting multiple Control Characters.
For instance, to send a carriage return/line feed pair after the data, specify Comm Mode 3.
Comm Mode 7, also known as Packet Mode, calculates an LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy