Section 2. installation, Program setup – MagTek MICRbase User Manual
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Program Installation consists of installing the MICRbase Program, setting up port
communications, and setting up MICR communications.
The MICRbase Install Package is distributed on a CD, which contains the following files:
MICRbase.exe (file)
Readme.txt (file)
Mfc42.dll (file)
Msvcrt.dll (file)
Magepnt (folder)
Magepnt.ini (file)
Magepnt.sys (file)
Regini.exe (file)
Regupdt.txt (file)
To install the MICRbase Program, proceed as follows:
Create a new folder with the name "MICRBASE" (or a custom name).
Copy all the files from the CD to this folder.
For wedge-based products or Windows NT operating system only, follow the additional
instructions in the file \MICRbase\MagEpNt\Regupdt.txt.
For wedge-based products on windows 2K and XP operating systems only, follow the
additional instructions in the file \MICRbase\MTKBHOOK\Install.htm.
For USB Driver Installation:
When using the USB version of the IntelliPIN or Mini MICR, you must install the
appropriate USB driver files onto your computer. The USB devices will only operate on
computers with Windows 98/ME or Windows 2000/XP operating systems.
The USB driver files are available in two forms:
- On a CD (p/n 30035077)
- From the MagTek web site ( (p/n 99510038). (The files on
the web site are provided in a self-extracting zip file. Run the application and
unzip the files to a temporary folder on your local disk drive.)
After you have extracted all the files from the ZIP file or if you have the CD, proceed
with installation steps below. These steps will only have to be performed the first time
you attach the device.