Micr reader configuration, New configuration – MagTek MICRbase User Manual

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MICRbase, Setup Program for MICR Readers


The most important aspects of configuring a MICR Reader are described below.

New Configuration

To configure a MICR Reader, it is important to understand the different sets of default options
offered by the MICRbase program. The first step in creating a new configuration is to select a set
of default options from the MICR Type (Options) menu in the Configure dialog box, shown in
Figure 4-3. In the illustration, None means a set of options has not been selected and no options
are displayed on the screen. Select one of the sets described below. The proper set must be
selected to ensure that the desired options are available in MICR Reader to be configured. There
are six sets available and they are as follows:

RS232 (Subset) must be used for older revision RS232 MICR readers that do not support

the Flexible Format feature and 3-Track MSR.

RS232 (Fullset) must be used for newer revision RS232 MICR readers that support the

Flexible Format feature or 3-Track MSR.

Plus RS232 must be used for RS232 MICR Plus units only

Wedge (Subset) must be used for older revision Wedge MICR readers that do not support

the Flexible Format feature and 3-Track MSR.

Wedge (Fullset) must be used for newer revision Wedge MICR readers that support the

Flexible Format feature or 3-Track MSR.

Image RS232 – must be used for MICRImage units only