Section 5. options for rs232 interface, Options, Micr type (options) – MagTek MICRbase User Manual
Page 21: Last configuration source – all rs232 models
This section describes the aggregate options in the Configure dialog box for all four RS232
MICR Type (Options): RS232 (Subset), RS232 (Fullset), Plus RS232, MICRImage RS232.
When all options are used, the text is All RS232.
Figure 5-1 is the dialog box for the RS232 (Subset), Figure 5-2 is for the RS232 (Fullset), Figure
5-3 is for the Plus RS232, Figure 5-4 is for the MICRImage, and Figure 5-5 is for More
MICRImage Options, from which are derived Figure 5-6 Ethernet/Modem Options, and Figure
5-7 Document Size Limit. The shaded areas in the dialog boxes are for showing status or are
buttons for functions. The unshaded areas are either check boxes, data boxes or drop down
The menus, buttons, and boxes are described below. The applicable RS232 MICR Type
(Options) are specified in the title of the description.
MICR Type (Options)
The six MICR Types are listed in this drop-down menu. Select the one that matches the MICR
Reader connected to the PC. When a new MICR Type is selected, the current options will be
replaced with the appropriate default options. As a reminder to save the current configuration,
the dialog box shown in Figure 5-8 will appear. There are four options available for the RS232
• RS232 (Subset) – must be used for older revision RS232 MICR readers that do not support
the Flexible Format feature and 3-Track MSR.
• RS232 (Fullset) – must be used for newer revision RS232 MICR readers that support the
Flexible Format feature or 3-Track MSR.
• Plus RS232 – must be used for RS232 MICR Plus units only
• MICRImage – must be used for MICRImage units only
Last Configuration Source – All RS232 Models
This box indicates where the current settings came from. There are three sources: Upload, File,
and Default. The Default Settings are shown here.