Sdi-12 profile (v 1.3) – Vaisala WMT700 User Manual

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TECHNICAL REFERENCE___________________________________________________________

60 __________________________________________________________________ M211097EN-C

SDI-12 Profile (v 1.3)

SDI-12 is a standard for interfacing data recorders with microprocessor-
based sensors. The name stands for serial/digital interface at 1200 baud.

The SDI-12 Support Group is an association of companies that produce
and use SDI-12 products with the purpose of reviewing requests to
enhance, clarify, or modify the SDI-12 architecture and that votes on
proposed changes to SDI-12.

For the complete SDI-12 standard text and information on the SDI-12
Support Group, refer to the SDI-12 web-site at the following address:



SDI-12 sub modes A and B are not supported by WMT700.


When establishing the terminal connection to WMT700, set the
following communication settings for the SDI-12 profile:

Bits per second: 1200

Data bits: 7

Parity: 1

Stop bits: 1

Flow Control: None