Gps origin refinement, Moving to the nearest street, Audible guidance tones – Telenav for T-Mobile Supported Devices: v5.5 for Windows Mobile HTC devices User Manual

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NOTE: If you typed in an invalid address, intersection, or City, you will be taken to the Address Details page to
confirm the address before your route can be generated. You can also make adjustments to your route in Tools &
Extras (Share & More) menu >> Preferences >> Navigation >> Route Style.

GPS Origin Refinement

If you are using GPS navigation and you are in a parking lot or similar
area where your location does not exactly map to a specific street,
you may see a pop-up that shows TeleNav GPS Navigator’s best
estimate of what street you are on. This gives you the opportunity to
change the starting street.

If you choose to change the starting street, a list of neighboring
streets appears, and you can make an alternate selection from the
list. If you do nothing, the first pop-up disappears after a few seconds,
and TeleNav GPS Navigator uses the default street as the starting

If you are not sure which street you are on, simply start driving.
TeleNav GPS Navigator detects your current location and
recalculates your driving directions as needed.

Moving to the Nearest Street

If you are not directly on a street, for example you are in a large
parking lot or driveway, you will see a screen that shows TeleNav
GPS Navigator’s best estimate of where you are with guidance on
how to move to the first street.

For more information about navigation views, see page



Audible Guidance Tones

TeleNav GPS Navigator delivers spoken audible directions as you drive. A preparatory audible tone is typically
heard no less than 30 seconds before reaching a turn, and an action audible tone is typically heard no less than 10
seconds before reaching a turn. The preparatory audible tone may not be sounded if the distance to the next turn
only allows time for the action tone.

The lead times for the audible guidance tones are increased proportionally to your driving speed. This allows more
time for changing lanes before a turn if you are driving at highway speeds as opposed to driving more slowly on
local streets. A Preference setting determines whether street names are included in the messages or not. Enabling
street names increases packet data usage.

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