Boonton PIM 31 User Manual User Manual
Page 108

Attaching Carrier/Site info with Screen Capture/ Print:
This menu provides the capability to capture a screen shot from any graphical
display on the LTE Analyzer. Capturing a screen shot requires a manual button
press and entering a file name, drive and directory. By default, the file name
consists of date and time, but can be modified by the user. The file is stored in
jpeg format by pressing the blue “File Save” button. The stored file has a size of
about 150kB. In addition to the graphical display and IM related information, the
screen capture procedure allows the user to enter equipment information, user
name, remarks and a serial number for the DUT. The user can also enter each
individual carrier or site description in these fields as an attachment to the screen
capture file, as highlighted below.
Note: Only the graphical display and relevant information is stored
with the screen shot. Active measurements will be stopped during the
screen capture process.