Boonton 4530 Peak Power Meter User Manual User Manual
Page 61

Boonton Electronics
Chapter 3
4530 Series RF Power Meter
Main Menu > Utilities > IEEE-488 > SRQ Mask
Set the GPIB Service Request Enable mask value. This value is used to enable particular bits for generating a
service request (SRQ) over the GPIB when certain conditions exist in the Status Byte register. When a mask
bit is set, and the corresponding STB bit goes true, an SRQ will be generated. No SRQ can be generated for
that condition if the mask bit is clear. The bits in the Status Byte register are generally summary bits, which are
the logical OR of the enabled bits from other registers. This parameter must be set - setting instrument
defaults has no effect.
0 to 255
Remote Command:
Main Menu > Utilities > IEEE-488 > View Bufr
View the contents of the GPIB listen (receive) and talk (transmit) buffers on the LCD display. This is useful for
debugging communication difficulties. A command sequence may be sent to the power meter, and then the
listen buffer may be examined to see if the entire command was received correctly. Similarly, examining the talk
buffer will show the response that the instrument has generated and is prepared to send (or has sent). The
∨ keys are used to scroll between the two buffers.
Main Menu > Utilities > IEEE-488 > Mnemonic
View a table of all valid SCPI remote interface command mnemonics on the LCD display. This table is in
alphabetical order by command group or subsystem, and is useful for reviewing the command names and their
acceptable shortcut forms, but it should be no substitute for studying this manual.
Main Menu > Utilities > Serial > Baud Rate
Select the serial port’s baud rate (speed). If it appears characters are being skipped during serial communica-
tions, try a lower baud rate setting. This parameter must be set - setting instrument defaults has no effect.
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
Remote Command:
Main Menu > Utilities > Serial > Data Bits
Select the number of data bits for the serial port. This parameter must be set - setting instrument defaults has
no effect.
7 or 8
Remote Command:
Main Menu > Utilities > Serial > Stop Bits
Select the number of stop bits for the serial port. This parameter must be set - setting instrument defaults has
no effect.
1 or 2
Remote Command: