7 native mode programming – Boonton 4530 Peak Power Meter User Manual User Manual
Page 136

Chapter 4
Boonton Electronics
Remote Operation
4530 Series RF Power Meter
This method is simple but has a disadvantage. You must anticipate the time required. An incorrect estimate will waste
time or cause an error. A better but more complicated method makes use of the service request capability of the GPIB.
Apply the alternate method shown in paragraph 4.6.1 for the ZERO and FIXEDCAL functions.
The native mode is invoked with:
The native mode retains almost all of the SCPI functions, but allows for current readings to be returned by simply
addressing the instrument to TALK. The format of the returned data is pre-determined by setting an active channel and
a Talk Mode. This simplified procedure overcomes some of the latency involved in GPIB bus operations, but is entirely
instrument specific. All GPIB command strings are case insensitive.
A talkmode is a preprogrammed response format, where the user instructs the instrument to return measurement data
in a particular format every time it is addressed to talk. The only exception is when an overriding query command
(anything containing a “?”) is issued, in which case the response immediately following that query will contain the
queried parameter. This query is active for only one “talk address” cycle, and following this, the response format will
revert to the programmed talkmode for any further talk addressing. Queries such as this are sometimes referred to as
“temporary talkmodes”. Talkmodes are enabled only when the power meter is set to native mode by setting the
language to BOON.
Native Commands
Set Channel 1 active for readings.
Set Channel 2 active for readings.
Set the active channel. When addressed to TALK, 4530 returns the current measurement string for whichever channel
is set as “active”. (Note that one command (TKBOTH), reports the readings on both channels without regard to the
active channel setting.) The result string consists of one or more measurement values, each preceded by a condition
code (cc) flag, with all flags and readings separated by commas. The code values and interpretations are:
Measurement is STOPPED. Value returned may be “stale data”.
Error return. Measurement is not valid.
Normal return - no error. Measurement is valid.
An Over-range or Under-range condition exists.
Typical Measurement Responses
The return string when the talkmode is set to TKAVG will be in the form of:
(cc is one of the condition codes shown above)
sample return string:
Since the condition code is 1, the returned measurement value is valid.
When the talkmode is set to TKPWR, the return string will be in the form of:
sample return string:
Avg and Max are valid (cc=1), but Min Pwr is underrange (cc=2)