Boonton 4530 Peak Power Meter User Manual User Manual
Page 50

Chapter 3
Boonton Electronics
4530 Series RF Power Meter
Main Menu > Channel 1 | 2 > Display > Resolutn
Select the display resolution for the main readings. Note display resolution has no effect on internal measure-
ment accuracy or the resolution of readings returned over the remote interface. Measurements are always
made with full, internal resolution. Log resolution specifies a radix point following one leading digit with the
number of remaining places selected. Linear resolution specifies a total number of places without regard to
the radix point.
Log units: 1 (x.x), 2 (x.xx) 3 (, Linear units: 1 (xxx), 2 (xxxx), 3 (xxxxx)
Maximum resolution (3, or xxxxx)
Remote Command:
DISPlay:TEXT1:RESolution <1, 2, 3>
Main Menu > Channel 1 | 2 > Display > Disp Srce
Select the source or sources combined in an arithmetic operation for the displayed reading. For ratio, sum and
difference calculations, both sensors must be of the same type, i.e. power or voltage. For power sensors, the
power ratio of two sources in dB relative (dBr) or percent and the sum of the power of two sources in dBm or
linear units is provided. For voltage sensors, the voltage ratio of two sources in dB relative (dBr) or percent
and the voltage difference between two sources in volts or log units are provided. The following list shows
only the available settings for channel 1, but channel 2 (on 2 channel units) has a matching list of settings.
Sensor 1
Display Sensor 1 power or voltage. (Default)
Ref 1
Display Reference1 power or voltage
Ratio of Sensor1 to Ref1
Power Sum (power sensors only): Sensor1 (watts) + Ref1 (watts)
Voltage Difference (voltage sensors only) Sensor1 (volts) - Ref1 (volts)
Ratio of Sensor1 to Sensor2
Power Sum (power sensors only): Sensor1 (watts) + Sensor2 (watts)
Voltage Difference (voltage sensors only): Sensor1 (volts) - Sensor2 (volts)
Remote Command:
Main Menu > Channel 1 | 2 > Display > Bar Graph
Enable or disable the bar graph feature. The bar graph appears along the bottom of the main Text display and
gives a visual indication of the size and variation of the reading. In the Model 4532, there are two independent
bar graphs, one for each channel.
Disable bar graph. (Default)
Enable bar graph
Remote Command:
Main Menu > Channel 1 | 2 > FrDepOfst >
Submenu to control the Frequency Dependent Offset feature. Frequency dependent offsets are used to
compensate for external devices such as couplers or attenuators in the RF signal path that have know loss
characteristics that vary with frequency. In the main TEXT display, an asterisk (“*”) symbol will appear above
the units if a frequency dependent offset table is in use (setting is TBLA or TBLB). A frequency dependent
offset is similar to a sensor calfactor - it is changed automatically when the operating frequency parameter is
changed. The value is looked up or interpolated from entries in the active FDOF table.