7 save/recl menu, 8 utilities menu – Boonton 4530 Peak Power Meter User Manual User Manual

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Boonton Electronics

Chapter 3

4530 Series RF Power Meter


3.11.7 Save/Recl Menu.

The Calibratr Menu is used to control both the internal, 50 MHz RF calibrator, and an optional, external 1 GHz
accessory calibrator (Model 2530). Both calibrators may be used as precision RF reference levels for testing
or measurements. The internal calibrator is CW only, while the external calibrator may be pulse modulated
using either a built-in pulse generator, or via a rear-panel BNC pulse input. Note that this menu does not
contain any items related to sensor calibration - it is only for controlling the calibrator for use as a signal
source. For sensor calibration information, see section 3.10 of this manual.

Main Menu > Save/Recl > SetupSave

Save the instrument setup to one of four non-volatile memory locations for later recall.


Memory 1, Memory 2, Memory 3 or Memory 4

Remote Command:

MEMory:SYS[n]:STORe <1, 2, 3, 4>

Main Menu > Save/Recl > SetupRecl

Recalls the instrument setup from one of four non-volatile memory locations. NOTE: The Recall function
returns with the Calibrator output OFF even if it was on when the setup was saved. This is a safety measure
to prevent damage to sensitive circuits that may have been connected to the output since the setup was
saved. Also, the communications parameters for the GPIB and RS-232 interfaces remain unaffected. This is
necessary because the recall function can be commanded using the GPIB or RS-232. If these parameters are
changed by the recall, communications may be terminated with a fatal error.


Memory 1, Memory 2, Memory 3 or Memory 4

Remote Command:

MEMory:SYS[n]:LOAD <1, 2, 3, 4>

3.11.8 Utilities Menu.

The Utilities Menu is used to control instrument functions and systems that are not directly related to
performing measurements. This includes hardware, communication, and auxiliary output configuration, as
well as system tests and diagnostics.

Main Menu > Utilities > InstrStat

Displays a status screen for the current measurement setup. The screen contents show the setup for one
channel. If a second channel is present, the

∧ and ∨ keys may be used to scroll up and down between

channels. Exact display is somewhat mode dependent.

Main Menu > Utilities > Display > Contrast

Adjust the contrast of the LCD backlight. This setting updates immediately upon pressing the

∧ and ∨ keys,

and once changed, cannot be restored by hitting the



Remote Command:
