Turn off scripting evaluation, Registering advanced features, Using license keys – HP StoreVirtual 4000 Storage User Manual

Page 233

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Read the text, and select the box to enable the use of scripts during a license evaluation period.


Click OK.

Turn off scripting evaluation

Turn off the scripting evaluation period when you take either one of these actions:

You obtain license keys for the feature you were evaluating.

You complete the evaluation and decide not to license any advanced features.

Turning off the scripting evaluation ensures that no scripts continue to push the evaluation clock.

To turn off the scripting evaluation:


Select the management group.


Select the Registration tab.


Click Registration Tasks, and select Feature Registration from the menu.


Select the Scripting Evaluation tab.


Clear the check box.


Click OK.

Table 73 (page 233)

describes additional steps to safely back out of the scripting evaluation.

Table 73 Safely backing out of scripting evaluation

Steps to Back Out

Feature Being Evaluated

Remote copy volumes and snapshots

• Back out of any remote copy operation.
• Delete any scripts.
• Delete any primary or remote snapshots created by

the scripts, as indicated by viewing Created By: on
the snapshot Details tab.

Registering advanced features

When registering storage systems for advanced features, you must have your license entitlement
certificate and submit to the website the appropriate storage system feature key(s) to obtain the
license key(s). You then receive the license key(s) and apply them to the storage system(s).

Using license keys

License keys are assigned to individual storage systems. License keys can be added to storage
systems either when they are in the Available Systems pool or after they are in a management
group. One license key is issued per storage system, and that key licenses all the advanced features
requested for that storage system.


If you remove a storage system from a management group, the license key remains with

that storage system. See for more information about removing storage systems from a management

Registering available storage systems for license keys

Storage systems that are in the Available Systems pool are licensed individually. You license an
individual storage system on the Feature Registration tab for that system.

The Feature Registration tab displays the following information:

The storage system feature key, used to obtain a license key

The license key for that storage system, if one has been obtained

The license status of all the advanced features

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