HP Unified Extensible Firmware Interface User Manual
Page 48
Deletes in quiet mode, without displaying a confirmation prompt.
Specifies the file name to be deleted. Wild cards are permitted.
Specifies the directory to be deleted. Wild cards are permitted.
This command deletes one or more files or directories. If the target is a directory, it deletes the
directory, including all its subdirectories. It is not allowed to redirect a file whose parent directory
(or the file itself) is being deleted.
Removing a read-only file or directory results in a failure. Removing a directory containing one or
more read-only files results in a failure. If an error occurs, rm exits immediately, and later files or
directories are not removed.
You cannot remove a directory when the current directory is itself or its subdirectory. If the file
specified for deletion contains wild cards, you are not prompted for confirmation.
You cannot remove the root directory. You cannot remove the current directory or its ancestor.
Attempting to remove multiple directories at one time when directories cannot be found (causing
the command to exit):
fs0:\> ls test
Directory of: fs0:\test
06/18/01 01:01p
06/18/01 01:01p
06/19/01 12:59a
06/19/01 12:59a
0 File(s) 0 bytes
4 Dir(s)
fs0:\> rm test\temp11 temp2
rm/del: Cannot find 'fs0:\test\temp11' - Not Found
To remove multiple directories with wild cards:
fs0:\> rm test\temp*
rm/del: Remove subtree 'fs0:\test\temp1' [y/n]? y
removing fs0:\test\temp1\temp1.txt
- [ok]
removing fs0:\test\temp1\boot\nshell.efi
- [ok]
removing fs0:\test\temp1\boot
- [ok]
removing fs0:\test\temp1
- [ok]
rm/del: Remove subtree 'fs0:\test\temp2' [y/n]? y
removing fs0:\test\temp2\temp2.txt
- [ok]
removing fs0:\test\temp2
- [ok]
Attempting to remove a directory containing a read-only file, causing an error prompt:
fs0:\> attrib +r test\temp1\readme.txt
A R fs0:\test\temp1\readme.txt
fs0:\> rm test\temp1
rm/del: Cannot open 'readme.txt' under 'fs0:\test\temp1' in
writable mode
- [error] - Access Denied
Exit status code: Access Denied
UEFI Shell command reference