Attrib – HP Unified Extensible Firmware Interface User Manual
Page 21
[ -d | -v ] [alias-name] [command-name]
Deletes an alias. The command-name option should not be present.
Makes the alias volatile.
Specifies the original name, filename, or directory of the command.
Specifies the alias name.
This command displays, creates, or deletes aliases in the UEFI Shell environment. An alias provides
a new name for an existing UEFI Shell command or UEFI application. Once the alias is created,
it can be used to run the command or launch the UEFI application.
There are some aliases that are predefined in the UEFI Shell environment. These aliases provide
the MS-DOS and UNIX equivalent names for the file manipulation commands.
Aliases are retained even after exiting the shell unless the –v option is specified. If-v is specified
then the alias is not valid after leaving the shell.
To display all aliases in the UEFI Shell environment:
Shell> alias
md : mkdir
rd : rm
myguid : guid
To create an alias in the UEFI Shell environment:
Shell> alias myguid guid
Shell> alias
md : mkdir
rd : rm
myguid : guid
To delete an alias in the UEFI Shell environment:
Shell> alias -d myguid
Shell> alias
md : mkdir
rd : rm
To add a volatile alias in the current UEFI environment, which has a star * at the line head. This
volatile alias disappears at the next boot.
Shell> alias -v fs0 floppy
Shell> alias
md : mkdir
rd : rm
* fs0 : floppy
Displays or changes the attributes of files or directories.
[ +a | -a ] [ +s | -s ] [ +h | -h ] [ +r | -r ] [file...] [directory...]
[ +a | -a ]
Sets or clears the archive attribute.
UEFI Shell commands