Remove-storeserv, Success paths, Failure paths – HP 3PAR Recovery Manager Software User Manual
Page 78: Preconditions, Syntax
Success Paths
Scenario 1: RMH Policy is removed.
Specified RMH Policy is successfully removed.
Failure Paths
Scenario 1: Session owner is invalid.
Every session command received on RMH Server is validated to originate from the same IP
address that initiated the session. If IP does not match, the command fails.
Scenario 2: VM name/uuid is not specified.
VM name or uuid must be specified to fetch RMH Policy.
Scenario 3: VM name/uuid specified is invalid.
VM name or uuid must be valid to fetch RMH Policy.
Scenario 4: RMH Policy does not exist.
RMH Policy is not previously set for specified VM.
removes HP 3PAR StoreServ credentials associated with a RMH user.
The user must first login with Login-Rmh.
HP 3PAR StoreServ credentials must already exist for specified Microsoft Hyper-V.
Any optional parameters require square brackets [ ] around them.
Remove-StoreServ -RmhServerName
Table 49 Remove-StoreServ parameters
Host name of the RMH Server. This is
FQDN or IP address.
This is FQDN or IP address. Synonyms
for Hyper-V are supported. Thelocalhost
is not supported.
Synonyms for HP 3PAR StoreServ are
Displays progress messages.
HP 3PAR Recovery Manager for Microsoft Hyper-V Powershell Commands
- 3PAR Recovery Manager Software for Hyper-V Recovery Manager Software 3PAR Application Software Suite for Microsoft Hyper-V 3PAR Recovery Manager Software for Oracle Licenses 3PAR Recovery Manager Software for VMware vSphere Licenses 3PAR Recovery Manager Software for Microsoft Exchange Licenses 3PAR Recovery Manager Software for Microsoft SQL Server Licenses