Result with description, Success paths, Failure paths – HP 3PAR Recovery Manager Software User Manual
Page 66
Table 38 Create-vCopy parameters (continued)
supported. The localhost is not
Comma separated VM names (or
UUIDs) .
For best practice, if more than one VM
name specified, ensure all VMs use the
same Storage System volume.
The Virtual Copy name prefix. A unique
timestamp will be generated for this
new Virtual Copy and appended to this
prefix. If not specified, the VC name
will be vc-timestamp where
timestamp is generated for this new
Virtual Copy.
Integer value followed by letter h or d
for Hours and Days respectively Default:
use the RMH Policy.
Integer value followed by letter h or d
for Hours and Days respectively Default:
use the RMH Policy.
Disabled or enabled.
Default: use the RMH policy.
Displays progress messages.
Result with Description
Multiple {RmhCreateVirtualcopyResult} objects.
VM Name or UUID
Success/Failure status of the create-vCopy operation for the VM
Detailed error message(s) when operation fails
An instance of an object of type RMHirtualcopySet describing created Virtual Copy
set. (create a link for the following: See Get-vCopySet Cmdlet for details of this object).
Success Paths
Scenario 1: Virtual Copies are successfully created.
Virtual Copies on VM(s) specified are successfully created.
Failure Paths
Scenario 1: Session owner is invalid.
Every session command received on RMH Server is validated to originate from the same IP
address that initiated the session. If IP does not match, the command fails.
Scenario 2: Storage System session credentials are not provided.
Storage System session credentials are not provided for this command.
Scenario 3: No VM is specified.
At least one VM must be specified for command.
HP 3PAR Recovery Manager for Microsoft Hyper-V Powershell Commands
- 3PAR Recovery Manager Software for Hyper-V Recovery Manager Software 3PAR Application Software Suite for Microsoft Hyper-V 3PAR Recovery Manager Software for Oracle Licenses 3PAR Recovery Manager Software for VMware vSphere Licenses 3PAR Recovery Manager Software for Microsoft Exchange Licenses 3PAR Recovery Manager Software for Microsoft SQL Server Licenses