Import existing code wizard, Remote makefile project wizard, Import existing code wizard settings – HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 130: Select configurations page

Table 12 Remote Settings page settings (SQL/MP) (continued)
user can be passed separately to the –Wsqlhost and
options, respectively.
Optional. Specifies the file name given to the final build
output when it is copied to a NonStop system (passed as
argument to –Wsqlprog=).
Target file name (-Wsqlprog=):
Optional. Specifies the working directory to use on the
NonStop system (passed as argument to –Wsqlprog=).
Working subvolume (-Wsqlwork=):
Optional. Specifies subvolume catalog (passed as argument
to –Wsqlcomp=catalog).
Catalog location (-Wsqlcomp=catalog ):
Select this checkbox if the same system and user set for
SQL/MP compilation can also be used for SQL/MP
Use same system as for SQL/MP compilation
Select Configurations page
The Select Configurations page lets you choose the initial build configurations created for a project.
For details, see the C/C++ Development User Guide.
Import Existing Code wizard
The Import Existing Code wizard provides a simple way to create a makefile project for an existing
code base. To open the wizard, select Create Makefile Project with Existing Code from the New
submenu of the context menu for the NonStop Project Explorer view.
the settings for the Import Existing Code wizard.
Table 13 Import Existing Code wizard settings
Enter name for top-level project folder.
Project name:
Location of existing code base.
Existing Code Location
Location of the RVU you will use for builds. The C/C++
indexer will use this location to find system headers.
Tools root:
Location of a bin directory for either Cygwin or Msys
(where make and other programs for builds are located).
Cygwin/Msys bin:
NSDEE will prepend bin to PATH before launching builds.
Leave the combo blank if PATH already has an entry for
a Cygwin or Msys bin.
If selected, NSDEE will set the COMP_ROOT environment
variable based on your Tools root: selection. NSDEE will
Set COMP_ROOT and update PATH based on tools root
also prepend the bin directory Tools root: selection to the
environment variable.
Remote Makefile Project wizard
The Remote Makefile Project wizard lets you create makefile projects hosted on NonStop. The
Remote Makefile Project wizard has two wizard pages named Remote Makefile Project and Build
describes the settings for the Remote Makefile Project wizard.
130 Reference