Glossary – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
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The ratio of allocated storage capacity versus total capacity as a percentage. Allocated storage
refers to those logical devices (LDEVs) that have paths assigned to them. Allocated storage capacity
is the sum of the storage of these LDEVs. Total capacity is the sum of the capacity of all LDEVs
on the disk array.
P9000 or XP Business Copy. An HP application that provides volume-level, point-in-time copies
in the disk array.
The version of Business Copy that supports mainframe volumes.
The basic unit of data in a binary numbering system (binary digit), represented by a 0 or a 1.
Eight bits equals one byte.
Cache logical partition.
Cnt Ac-J
P9000 or XP Continuous Access Journal software.
Cnt Ac-J Z
The version of Continuous Access Journal that supports mainframe volumes.
Cnt Ac-S
P9000 or XP Continuous Access Synchronous software.
Cnt Ac-S Z
The version of Continuous Access Synchronous that supports mainframe volumes.
command device
A volume in the disk array that accepts Continuous Access, Business Copy, or P9000 for Business
Continuity Manager control operations, which are then executed by the array.
CT group
Consistency group.
Control Unit. Used to organize the storage space attached to the disk controller ( DKC). You can
group similarly configured logical devices (LDEVs) with unique control unit images (CUs). CUs
are numbered sequentially. The disk array supports a certain number of CUs, depending on the
disk array model. Each CU can manage multiple LDEVs; therefore, both the CU number and the
LDEV number are required to identify an LDEV.
Disk adapter.
Disk controller.
Hard disk drive.
A section of the RAID Manager instance configuration file that defines the disk devices used as
command devices by RAID Manager to communicate with the disk array.
A section of the RAID Manager instance configuration file that describes the physical volumes
corresponding to the paired volume names.
A section of the RAID Manager instance configuration file that defines how RAID Manager groups
link to remote RAID Manager instances.
A section of the RAID Manager instance configuration file that defines the same information as
the HORCM_INST section, but also allows you to specify the path ID of the Continuous Access
software link for each device group.
A section of the RAID Manager instance configuration file that specifies stable LDEV and serial
numbers of physical volumes that correspond to paired logical volume names.
A section of the RAID Manager instance configuration file that describes the host name or IP
address, the port number, and the paired volume error monitoring interval of the local host.
A running copy of RAID Manager. Instances can be local or remote. Multiple instances can run
on the same host.
Logical disk controller.
Logical unit number. A LUN results from mapping a logical unit number, port ID, and LDEV ID to
a RAID group. The size of the LUN is determined by the emulation mode of the LDEV and the
number of LDEVs associated with the LUN.
Logical Unit Size Expansion. The LUSE feature is available when the HP StorageWorks LUN
Manager product is installed, and allows a LUN, normally associated with only a single LDEV,
to be associated with 1 to 36 LDEVs. Essentially, LUSE makes it possible for applications to access
a single large pool of storage.
140 Glossary