HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

Page 87

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In Windows Server 2003 (excluding x86 versions) , Windows Server 2008

(excluding x86 versions) and Windows Server 2012, we recommend that

you install HDLM in a folder other than Program Files.

When installing HDLM, the name of the HDLM installation folder and the

names of all its parent folders must satisfy all of the following conditions:


The name must not be a reserved name specified in Windows.
Reserved names include names like CON, AUX, COM1 to COM9, LPT1 to
LPT9, PRN, and NUL.


The name must be made by using only the following characters:
A - Z, a - z, 0 - 9, -, _, ., @, or a single byte space


The last character cannot be a single byte space.


The name cannot contain two or more single byte spaces in a row.

If you attempt to install HDLM in a folder that does not satisfy these

conditions, problems such as those described in the table below might

occur. If this happens, reinstall HDLM by following the procedures given


Table 3-10 Problems and What to Do When Specifying a Folder That

Does Not Satisfy the Conditions for an HDLM Installation


What to do

An internal error occurred and the

installation was interrupted.

Specify a folder that satisfies the above

conditions and re-install the HDLM.

After the installation has finished, the

error information could not be collected

when the DLMgetras utility for collecting

HDLM error information was executed.

Remove HDLM, and then re-install it by

specifying a folder that satisfies the

above conditions.

When installing HDLM in Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012,

perform the following operation before the installation to make sure

applications cannot access the HDLM management-target disks.


If the disk is not used as a cluster resource:
In the Windows' Disk Management windows, offline the disk.


If the disk is used as a cluster resource:
Stop Cluster Service.

Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012 supports user account

control (UAC). If you are logged on with a non-administrator account, use

the Administrator: Command Prompt window when executing any of

the following programs to install or remove HDLM:





installhdlm (installhdlm utility)


removehdlm (removehdlm utility)


This program can also be executed using Run as administrator.

Creating an HDLM Environment


Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager User Guide for Windows
