Number of lus and paths that are supported in hdlm, Flow for creating an hdlm environment, Flow for creating an hdlm environment -13 – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
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Table 3-8 Disk Space Requirements for a Host
Disk capacity requirements
When you use only the HDLM Core components:
10 MB + p MB
+ q MB
+ 1 MB
When you install but do not use the HDLM GUI:
150 MB + p MB
+ q MB
+ 1 MB
When you install and use the HDLM GUI:
150 MB + 20 MB + p MB
+ q MB
+ 1 MB
This size depends on the log files settings. The maximum size is
When s is the error log file size (the default value is 9900) and m is the
number of error log files (the default value is 2), this value (p) can be
calculated as follows:
p = (s x m) / 1024 MB (rounded-up to the nearest integer)
This size depends on the trace files settings. The maximum size is
When t is the trace file size (the default value is 1000) and n is the
number of trace files (the default value is 4), this value (q) can be
calculated as follows:
q = (t x n) / 1024 MB (rounded-up to the nearest integer)
Number of LUs and Paths That Are Supported in HDLM
The following table lists the number of LUs and paths supported in HDLM.
Table 3-9 Number of LUs and Paths Supported in HDLM
Number supported
Number of LUs
1 to 256
Number of paths per LU
1 to 12
Total number of paths
1 to 3060
Flow for Creating an HDLM Environment
Set up the environment to use HDLM as follows.
Creating an HDLM Environment
Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager User Guide for Windows