Checking the path configuration, Checking the path configuration -69, Check the path information as described in – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
Page 137: Checking the path
Port set for the server.http.localPort property (default:
This operation requires Administrators group privileges. If the OS is
Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012, the command
must be executed from a command prompt started as an
Adds firewall exceptions.
Removes firewall exceptions.
In Windows, the folder in which the Hitachi Command Suite Common
Agent Component commands are installed is automatically added to the
environment variable Path. When you execute a command, you do not
need to change the current folder to the folder that contains commands.
Checking the Path Configuration
HDLM functions, such as load balancing and failover, are only available for
HDLM management-target devices that have more than one active path. After
you install HDLM or change the hardware configuration, check the structure
and statuses of the paths.
To check the path information, use the dlnkmgr command's view operation or
use the Path List view in the Path Management window of the HDLM GUI.
For details about the Path List view, see the HDLM GUI Help.
The HDLM command's view operation to check path information is described
below. For details about the view operation, see
Specify the -path parameter and check the output information:
Execute the following command:
dlnkmgr view -path > redirect-destination-file
Open redirect-destination-file-1 and check the following:
Make sure that there is at least one LU being accessed by a path.
A path can be identified by PathName. The LU that is accessed by a
path can be identified by both DskName and iLU.
Make sure that all the paths are online.
Make sure that PathStatus is Online. If a path is not online, Reduced
will be displayed.
Make sure that for each path the combination of the CHA port
(ChaPort), through which multiple paths are accessing the same LU,
Creating an HDLM Environment
Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager User Guide for Windows