HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
Page 43
Figure 2-11 Path Status Transitions
Online operation: Online operation performed in the Path Management
window or by executing the dlnkmgr command's online operation.
Offline operation: Offline operation performed in the Path Management
window or by executing the dlnkmgr command's offline operation.
During reserve processing for an LU, the Online status is temporarily
changed to Online(P). When the reservation processing finishes, the
Online(P) status is changed to Offline(C).
When the following conditions are satisfied, the connected Offline(C)
paths are automatically placed online:
All the online paths are Online(E) and all the SCSI devices connected
to the Online(E) paths have been deleted.
SCSI devices are connected and all the Offline(E) paths are subject
to automatic failback.
SCSI devices are connected to the Offline(C) paths.
When a path is added dynamically, initially the path status is Offline(C).
The path status will then automatically change to Online. For details on
dynamically adding a path, see
Setting Up an Added LU and Path as an
HDLM Management-target on page 4-16
HDLM Functions
Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager User Guide for Windows