HP StorageWorks EVA Controller HSG V8.8 Software User Manual
Page 89

Integrating SWCC with Insight Manager
Command Console V2.5 User Guide
Integrating the HSGxx Storage Window with Insight Manager
To open an HSGxx Storage window:
1. Look in Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel to verify that the
following are installed:
— The HSGxx Storage Window for ACS 8.5 or later (required to open the
correct Storage Window for your firmware).
— The HSG80 Storage Window 2.4 (HP StorageWorks HSG80 V2.4). The
integration patch uses files in this program.
— Insight Manager 4.23 or later.
— Insight Manager integration patch (HSG80 Insight Manager Shim).
2. Verify that you have installed the Insight Manager Agent and the
StorageWorks Command Console HS-Series Agent on the same computer.
3. Add the name of the client system running Insight Manager to the Agent’s list
of client system entries and choose SNMP as a notification scheme.
4. Open Insight Manager.
5. To open the Server window, click the device that you want to observe in the
Insight Manager Navigation window.
6. Click Mass Storage in the Server window. The Insight Manager Navigation
tree is displayed.
7. Expand the Navigation tree to display Storage System Information.
8. Double-click Storage System Information. You are given the status of the
9. Click Launch. The Storage window opens.